You need to test, we're here to help.

You need to test, we're here to help.

19 September 2017

Automotive Ethernet Compliance: Tests in Detail (Part II)

Figure 1: Testing transmitter timing master jitter entails creating a track of TIE measurements
Figure 1: Testing transmitter timing master jitter
entails creating a track of TIE measurements
We've begun our deep dive into the subject of Automotive Ethernet compliance testing. In our last post, we covered the first two of seven tests: maximum transmitter output droop and transmitter clock frequency. Let's now look at transmitter timing jitter in master and slave modes.

13 September 2017

Automotive Ethernet Compliance: Tests in Detail (Part I)

Maximum transmitter output droop should not exceed the specified maximum of 45%
Figure 1: Maximum transmitter output droop should not
exceed the specified maximum of 45%
We've looked in past posts at the basics of Automotive Ethernet compliance test, the five test modes, and an overview of the test setup. Now it's time to begin examining the physical-layer electrical tests in detail. As we've mentioned, there are a total of seven of these tests (six for BroadR-Reach and 100Base-T1 and one for the latter only).

08 September 2017

Automotive Ethernet Compliance: Test Setup Overview

Typical test setup for Automotive Ethernet PMA compliance test
Figure 1: Typical test setup for Automotive Ethernet
PMA compliance test
Our last post, an overview of the five test modes for Automotive Ethernet electrical compliance testing, prepared us for a deeper look at the compliance tests themselves. But before diving into details on the differential electrical compliance tests for Automotive Ethernet, be it BroadR-Reach or 100Base-T1, it might be helpful to take a look at the setup for this endeavor.