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28 June 2021

MAUI Studio Pro: "Impersonating" Remote Oscilloscopes

Figure 1: After recalling the LabNotebook, MAUI Studio Pro  (now simulating an HDO4024A) will "impersonate" the WaveRunner 9404 on which the file was saved.
Figure 1: After recalling the LabNotebook, MAUI Studio Pro
 (now simulating an HDO4024A) will "impersonate" the
WaveRunner 9404 on which the file was saved.
Our recent release of MAUI Studio Pro adds several key new features to the MAUI Studio remote oscilloscope software for Windows 10 PCs. This short series will demonstrate how to make use of these features.

One of the most useful new features is the ability to inherit the entire "personality" of an oscilloscope. By that, we mean the MAUI Studio Pro software replicates the oscilloscope model type and user interface, along with its full complement of software options. It "impersonates" the oscilloscope. There are a couple ways this can be done.

The first way is by recalling a LabNotebook. When you recall (a.k.a., "Flashback") a LabNotebook saved in MAUI firmware 9.5.x.x or later, MAUI Studio Pro takes on the personality of the oscilloscope on which the file was saved. To take advantage of this feature:

  1. Update your oscilloscope firmware to MAUI 9.5.x.x.
  2. In MAUI Studio Pro, choose File > Recall LabNotebook.
  3. Navigate to and select the LabNotebook file.
  4. Click Flashback.

While you work with that LabNotebook, you automatically have all the same analysis capabilities that were available on the source oscilloscope. Think of it as having "portable" software options.

Anyone using MAUI Studio Pro will also inherit the oscilloscope personality, including portable software options, when recalling the LabNotebook. So, when you share a LabNotebook file with colleagues who have MAUI Studio Pro, you are virtually sharing the oscilloscope. Within MAUI Studio Pro, the LabNotebook file becomes a collaborative analysis environment. The only thing you can't do is configure and trigger the next acquisition! 

This capability does not extend to LabNotebook files opened on other oscilloscopes, however. There, you will have all the regular features of a LabNotebook, but only the software options and other capabilities available on that oscilloscope. You can't "import" software options from a LabNotebook file. It also does not extend to LabNotebook files older than MAUI 9.5.x.x, whether in legacy .zip or .lnb format.

The second way is through connecting over Ethernet to a remote Teledyne LeCroy oscilloscope. 

  1. Preset the oscilloscope for TCP/IP remote control by going to Utilities > Utilities Setup > Remote Control tab.
  2. While there, confirm the oscilloscope IP Address/Domain Name. You will need it to connect remotely.
  3. In MAUI Studio Pro, choose File > Remote Scope.
  4. Enter the oscilloscope IP Address/Domain Name and Connect.

As long as you remain connected to the oscilloscope, MAUI Studio Pro functions as that oscilloscope's proxy, with all the same capabilities, including software options. While working in MAUI Studio Pro, you can remotely control the oscilloscope as if you were working right on the oscilloscope—configuring, triggering, analyzing and saving new acquisitions through the same MAUI user interface, no programming required. You can import the waveforms and data currently on the oscilloscope, or send new setups to the oscilloscope with or without triggering a new acquisition. You can also transfer various files (LabNotebooks, masks, reports, saved waveforms, etc.) to and from the oscilloscope using simple Windows® browsers.

Learn more about the new features of MAUI Studio Pro in our on-demand webinar, "How to Use Oscilloscopes Remotely and Offline."

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