30 October 2017

The Power Integrity Measurement Mindset

power integrity measurement logic wheel
Figure 1:  The holistic view
of power integrity
In kicking off a series of posts on power integrity measurements, it might be helpful to start with some thoughts on the mindset, or approach, that one should take in the endeavor. Power integrity is best approached holistically, with an eye toward each of the paths energy may take throughout a system.

24 October 2017

Automotive Ethernet Compliance: Test Equipment Requirements

The TF-ENET-B Ethernet test fixture offers all necessary interconnects for compliance test
Figure 1: The TF-ENET-B Ethernet
test fixture offers all necessary
interconnects for compliance test
Having completed an exhaustive tour of the Automotive Ethernet compliance tests, we would be remiss if we didn't offer our take on the test equipment required for the job. Let's look at what the needs would be in terms of the oscilloscope itself as well as the necessary ancillary equipment, test fixture, probes, and cables. We'll conclude with a short discussion of automated compliance software.

17 October 2017

Automotive Ethernet Compliance: Tests in Detail (Part IV)

The specified pass/fail mask for the  transmitter power spectral density test
Figure 1: The specified pass/fail mask for the
transmitter power spectral density test
We've been making our way through a detailed accounting of the compliance tests for Automotive Ethernet, and in our last post, we covered the distortion test. Now we'll wrap up the tour of the compliance test suite with the test of transmitter power spectral density.

12 October 2017

Automotive Ethernet Compliance: Tests in Detail (Part III)

This depicts the setup for the Automotive Ethernet transmitter distortion test
Figure 1: This depicts the setup for the Automotive
Ethernet transmitter distortion test
Among the compliance tests specified for Automotive Ethernet in the 100Base-T1 spec, none is more complex to set up than the test for transmitter distortion. As with the transmitter timing slave jitter test described in an earlier post, it requires access to the DUT's transmit clock (TX_TCLK).