29 January 2014

Tips and Tricks: Stabilizing a Waveform Trace

One initial challenge to oscilloscope users is achieving a stable display of an input waveform. In almost all cases, the Auto Setup button on Teledyne LeCroy oscilloscopes (and most other modern instruments) will automatically set the oscilloscope's triggering system to get that jumpy trace to settle down.

22 January 2014

The Components of Total Jitter

Figure 1: An overview of the jitter hierarchy, or "jitter tree," showing the various elements that make up total jitter
Figure 1: An overview of the jitter hierarchy,
or "jitter tree," showing the various elements
that make up total jitter
In an earlier post, we began looking at the topic of jitter, a topic of keen interest to anyone working with high-speed serial communications or the components of such a system, including transmitters, receivers, and data channels. To gain an understanding of jitter, an important first step is getting to know a little about the various categories that comprise total jitter.

16 January 2014

Mr. Oscilloscope, Meet Mr. Computer

Figure 1: WaveStation software enables full remote control of an oscilloscope from a Windows PC
Figure 1: WaveStation software enables full remote
control of an oscilloscope from a Windows PC
Some things just seem made to go together, such as peanut butter and jelly, baseball and hot dogs, and Lennon and McCartney. But in the engineering world, one great combination is the oscilloscope and the PC. Both are wonderful tools but together they go places that neither can without the other.

08 January 2014

Let's Get Serial: About Manchester Data Encoding

Manchester coding example
Figure 1: An example of Manchester coding
Founded by the Roman Empire in the first century AD, the city of Manchester, England is probably best associated today with the Manchester United Football Club of neighboring Old Trafford. But in serial-data circles, the city's name evokes Manchester line coding, or phase encoding.