30 November 2015

Follow The Bouncing Signal

Trend plotting is a handy tool for discerning frequency-hopping patterns
Figure 1: Trend plotting is a handy tool
for discerning frequency-hopping
Signal jamming, noise generation/interference, signal interception, and other malicious RF-related activities have long been part and parcel of the electronic warfare arena. One countermeasure that is widely deployed is frequency hopping spread-spectrum (FHSS) transmission, or rapid and pseudo-random jumps of the carrier frequency in an effort to confound would-be jammers. FHSS transmission poses test and measurement challenges that we'll outline below.

18 November 2015

Analyzing RADAR Signals with Demodulation

An example of a radar signal with 1-GHz RF carrier
Figure 1: An example of a radar
signal with 1-GHz RF carrier
In the electronic warfare milieu, one of the most common RF applications is that of radar systems. Radar, which uses RF energy to determine the range, angle, and/or velocity of objects, can be used for detection of aircraft, ships, spacecraft, guided missiles, motor vehicles, weather formations, and terrain, among other things. An oscilloscope's demodulation math function is very helpful in analysis of radar signals, so let's look at a couple of examples of how to approach such measurements.

02 November 2015

Video: The Many Varieties of Oscilloscope Probes

Got a minute (OK, a minute and a half)? Take a look at this quick tutorial video that takes you through the four basic types of probes and what they're used for:

If this little thumbnail sketch whetted your appetite for more info on oscilloscope probes, we've got you covered with a series of popular blog posts on the topic: