24 September 2014

Eliminate Pitfalls of DDR Memory Testing

DDR test configuration for a desktop computer
Figure 1: DDR test configuration
for a desktop computer
Since its inception as a standard in the mid 1990s, dual data-rate (DDR) SDRAM memory has been near ubiquitous in computing applications. Compared to single data-rate SDRAM, the DDR SDRAM interface makes higher transfer rates possible by more strict control of the timing of the electrical data and clock signals.

05 September 2014

Oscilloscope Basics: Using The Display Graticule

The oscilloscope display graticule
Figure 1: The display graticule, the grid of intersecting lines
overlaying the signal display area, is the original
oscilloscope measurement tool
Today's digital oscilloscopes come packed with an abundance of measurement capabilities, all available at the touch of a button or two. Want to know the amplitude of a square wave? Easy. Want to know the standard deviation of that amplitude? Minimum/maximum or mean? All easily compiled for you over hundreds or thousands of acquisitions.